Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hi Everybody!

Hi everyone! Welcome to Emily and Kate's new blog! I hope to use this space to post pictures and periodic updates of the girls and our new little family. With family and friends so widespread these days, I thought this might be the best way to keep us all connected in some small way. :)

I'm currently 33 weeks and 5 days along, which means that we're at t-minus 27 days and counting. (!!!) For those of you who don't know already, Dr. Schori has scheduled our c-section for December 26th -> if the girls don't decide to come on their own before then. So, every time the news announces that there are only "x" more shopping days until Christmas, Steve and I mentally tack on one more day, and take a very deep breath!

I'm not thrilled that their birthday will be the day after Christmas, but we'll figure out a way to work around that when the time comes. That said, I *am* thrilled that I will no longer be pregnant on the day after Christmas, because I am just about done at about this point. Together, the girls weigh close to 9 pounds already (Kate is measuring at 4lbs., 8oz., and Emily at 4lbs., 3oz.), and I am starting to get more and more uncomfortable. My back hurts more often, sleeping is getting harder... the usual complaints. Can't imagine what I'll have to say 4 weeks from now! (We're hoping they'll be 5.5 to 6lbs each by then... can you imagine???)
Anyway, here's a belly shot for all of you. The doctor says that I'm measuring 42 weeks, which is just about two months farther along than I actually am! Everyone tells me how good I look, not that big, for having twins. Well, I'll tell you: I FEEL big! Especially at night, when I'm trying to roll from one side to the other! :)

OK, I'm going to get this posted so that I beat Blogger's 10am scheduled outage, but I'll be back with more to say later. Please leave comments when you come by and visit... it'll let me know whether maintaining this site will be worth it or not!

Love to you all!!!
