Friday, February 16, 2007

February Update

Hello everyone! It looks like I'll be lucky to update this blog once a month - the girls are really good at keeping me busy! It seems impossible to believe that they'll be 8 weeks on Tuesday, the time has just flown by.We're all doing really well. Both Steve and I are coping with the sleep deprivation. Honestly, I thought it would be worse that it has been. They are still on a three hour schedule, which means that we get about 2 1/2 hours of sleep at a time. Every once in a while they will go four hours between night feedings - and once I think they even went five. I never knew that four hours of uninterrupted sleep could feel like such a miracle!! Everyone keeps telling us that they'll start sleeping longer when they get to be about 3 months old, but I refuse to believe it. Don't want to count our chickens, you konw? Still, 2 1/2 hours isn't so bad... between the two of us, Steve and I can get them changed, fed and back to sleep in about a half an hour, and neither of us has ANY problem falling right back to sleep afterwards. Of course, if they won't go down, or if they wake up before it's time to be fed again, then it falls on me to get them back to sleep since Steve has to get up and go to work.

The days themselves have also found a rhythm. Our mornings are usually the best part of the day, afternoons and evenings are more challenging. Although it seems like we've avoided the dreaded colic, both girls are susceptible to what I've heard called "the witching hour" - that period near the end of the day where babies are especially fussy and challenging. And how! I make it a point to get out of the house at least once a day, whether it's going for a walk, running errands or meeting friends for lunch. They seem to like the change of scenery, cry less, and usually fall asleep. As a result, they've been dragged all over the city! Can you blame me? :)

OK, well... it's time to go and make my day's worth of bottles before the you-know-whos wake up and destroy any illusion of peace around here. Love to you all, hope you are well!

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